One of the main features of Trust Membership is the management of your unemployment claims. When you are notified of an unemployment claim, at first you might not know how to react and what to do, but we are here to help. With states having short windows to meet claim deadlines, you’ll want to act fast as the deadline nears. When you have questions about specific claims, your first line of defense is your state’s unemployment claims consultant.
What do claims consultants do for me?
501(c) Agencies Trust’s claims consultants work only with Trust members and are unemployment experts for you, so that you don’t have to be. With a solid success rate on claims protests, this team brings continuity and experience to our members’ unemployment program.
Who is my claims consultant?
Each state has a dedicated claims consultant who can be reached by email or phone. To learn who manages your state’s unemployment claims, visit the Trust’s website and select your state from the contact map.
How do I communicate with my claims consultant using CaseBuilder?
If an unemployment claim came to your email from CaseBuilder, you can manage and respond to the unemployment claim also using CaseBuilder.
Any time that you need to respond to a claim, you will receive an email letting you know that you have an item in CaseBuilder requiring attention. The email will include a link to access CaseBuilder directly. CaseBuilder is also accessible by visiting ucm.talx.com.
With CaseBuilder, you can submit and archive claim documents in a fast, secure environment through every stage of the unemployment process. Using CaseBuilder improves claim response timeliness, which increases claim protest rates, produces higher win rates, and lowers overall claim dollars. Other CaseBuilder advantages include:
- 24/7 secure access from any computer with an internet connection
- Control over how you receive notifications and frequency
- Organization, management, and prioritization of unemployment cases in one dedicated tool
- View access to favorable decisions
- Direct communication with your claims consultant
In CaseBuilder, you designate one of your staff as the main claim contact. You can also add as many copied contacts as you like. In addition to the main and copied contacts, you can add back-ups for times when the main and copied contacts cannot be reached.
What else does the claims team do for me?
The claims team holds a number of educational training webinars throughout the year for Trust members. Topics include Unemployment 101 for Reimbursing Employers and How to Run Your Online Insight Reports. These live training sessions bring new staff members up to speed and refresh the knowledge of staff who have worked with unemployment for some time. Some topics offer HRCI and SHRM continuing education credits for your HR certified professionals’ recertification. To get added to the emailed monthly webinar invitation list please call us at 800-442-4867.
What about claims reports?
You, your auditors, and other key staff may want to know who is collecting unemployment benefits, which is why we created online reports to provide you with that information. Insight Period Charge reports are accessible to staff who requested a reports password. Insight Period Charge Reports are also accessible to anyone who is set up with CaseBuilder. If you need a password, please call us at 800-442-4867.
Insight Period Charge Reports detail the unemployment benefit charge activity on your account. The report includes separation information, claim filed date, and outcomes, if any, and also shows maximum potential liability and benefits paid in the most recent charge period – either monthly or quarterly – depending on the state. Cumulative charges paid to-date are also shown. For quarterly reporting states, the report will usually become accessible about 45-60 days after the end of a quarter. But if there was no activity on an account, there will be no charge report.
As always, please call your 501(c) Agencies Trust Member Services any time with questions at (800) 442-4867.