501(c) HR Services’ focus is to assist the nonprofit community and provide information, support, that listening ear, and guidance as we move forward to what many are calling “the new normal.” Some of us will continue to work remotely and some will return to the physical workspace. Whether we are telecommuting or not, we must continue our efforts to maintain a physical, emotional, safe, and healthy workplace which includes a more inclusive workforce with barriers and biases identified and removed.
As I prepared to write this month’s article, I wanted to focus on something other than COVID-19 and found myself thinking about what the “experts” were saying about 2020 as we entered into the new year. The world was a very different place in January than it is now.
My research took me to articles, white papers, studies, and Top 10 Trends for 2020 which boiled down to:
- Our tight labor market
- How to attract and retain talent
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in hiring and
- Worker well-being
At first blush, I thought worker well-being was dated, over-talked about, and rarely a real focus in the workplace. With low expectations I read an article on the subject by PwC. I was surprised to learn that for over a decade they have been conducting a health and well-being survey. What they found lead them to believe health and well-being were so vital and important, they decided to do a study and involved the University of Southern California. The study ended up with the creation of their Habit Bank.
I am confident that their focus on well-being has helped them weather these last few tumultuous, mind-bending months. They have demonstrated that there are many way to help and support our employees during challenging times that don’t include a massive budget and large survey/study.
Whether working remotely or in the office here are six things that can easily be implemented to help yourself and your employees stay well:
- Design your workspace to fit YOU. Meaning, think about what you need to do your best work.
- Do you need a brightly lit or dimly lit workspace?
- Should you face the wall or others (what helps you focus)?
- Do you need quiet?
- Get up and stretch your legs every 30 minutes.
- Don’t forget about ergonomics.
- Add plants to clean the air and reduce stress. There are quite a few inexpensive office-friendly options.
- Follow the 20/20/20 rule. That means every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
- Unplug. Work/life balance!
When done correctly, wellness programs give employees incentives, tools, social support, privacy, and strategies to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. They don’t have to be complicated!
If you have an Employee Assistant Plan (EAP), now is a great time to reintroduce your employees to the benefits of that amazing organizational benefit. Send out an email with a catchy subject line so employees are more likely to open and read it. Remember to include a brief description of services and the minimal costs associated with certain services, like mental health and financial services.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with HR issues and information, don’t hesitate to contact us here at HR Services. (800) 358-2163 or HRServices@501c.com.