Diversity in the workplace has been under the microscope the past few years – as it should be. From ethnic diversity to gender diversity, many sectors and industries have had different levels of success diversifying their workplaces. One example is the lack of gender diversity in Silicon Valley. For the nonprofit sector it appears that gender diversity in the C-suite is losing the ground it gained a decade ago.
According to the 2015 Nonprofit Compensation Report produced by GuideStar, the percentage of female nonprofit CEOs is down since 2003. It appears that women made gains at larger organizations, but have lost ground at smaller organizations.
The report highlighted that only 18% of the largest nonprofits (budgets greater than $50 million) have female CEOs. In addition to their declining numbers, female CEOs earn about 15% less than their male counterparts – and those numbers are an improvement. According to GuideStar, when they first reported on gender pay in 2001 they found that female CEOs earned about 34% less than their male counterparts in fiscal years 1998 and 1999, depending on organization size.