Most organizations in the United States will provide their employees with a cash bonus this holiday season, according to a new survey. The average bonus this year in the United States will be about $858.
Accounting Principals, a staffing and recruitment agency for accounting and finance professionals, has released a survey of more than 500 U.S. HR and hiring managers about their bonuses and holiday party plans.
Of the organizations that reported they will not be providing a holiday bonus, 33 percent in this survey, many provide other bonuses through-out the year or prefer to offer other “perks.” Nineteen percent of respondents reported that they have financial conditions that will prevent them from distributing bonuses this year.
Outside the obvious monetary perks being offered by employers during the holidays, many organizations plan to throw a holiday party (64 percent), work for a charity (36 percent), organize gift exchanges (33 percent) and offer additional time off (30 percent).
What do the bonus happy organizations recommend their employees do to obtain the sacred holiday reward?
Fifty-four percent of the survey respondents recommended that workers stay more motivated throughout the year, followed by being more positive or upbeat (43 percent), volunteering to take on more job duties (32 percent), reminding the company of their accomplishments (22 percent) or asking their supervisor for a bonus directly (13 percent).