Workers believe that numerous holiday parties, Cyber Monday and all the Turkey Trot distractions of the holiday season don’t affect their productivity. A new survey released by Accountemps reports that 32 percent of workers believe they become MORE productive the week before a major holiday. These “productive” workers are balanced by 22 percent of professionals that reported that their output wanes.
“Are you more or less productive the week before a major holiday?”
Much more productive | 15% |
Somewhat more productive | 17% |
No difference | 47% |
Somewhat less productive | 18% |
Much less productive | 4% |
“The holidays are a hectic time for many professionals, and people react differently under pressure,” said Bill Driscoll, a district president for Accountemps. “For some, upcoming holidays spur them to move faster and more efficiently, while others are slowed down by the feeling of being pulled in many directions.”
The survey also asked workers what time of day was the least productive for them. Most respondents said the morning was their most productive period and after lunch was least productive.
“In general, what is your least productive time of day?”
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM | 14% |
10:00 AM to 12 Noon | 9% |
12 Noon to 2:00 PM | 15% |
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM | 24% |
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM | 29% |
Don’t know/Other | 9% |