As we all continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19), its impact on our organizations, our missions and our communities, 501(c) Agencies Trust wants its members to know that we are here to help.
Among the many issues facing Trust members is the possibility that employees are unable to work due to either their health condition, the health of a family member, or closure of workplaces and schools. Your concerns range from whether staff are eligible for unemployment to how to best prepare your organization for office closures, teleworking policies and sick leave issues.
Right now our phone lines and email addresses are ready for your inquiries. You can forward any concerns related to COVID-19 and its effect on your organization by clicking here. If you would rather pick up the phone, call us at at (800) 442-4867.
We have seen an increase in member inquiries related to COVID-19 in the past weeks, so we have already begun to hear some of the same questions and concerns. Therefore, we have scheduled a webinar related to the outbreak, how it may affect your organization, and what you can do to manage related issues.
Join us on Thursday, April 2nd for The Responsibilities of Nonprofit Employers in the Age of COVID-19. Click here to register.
Finally, we send our heartfelt sympathies to all those who have already been affected both here at home and abroad. Many Trust members find themselves on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak. They are serving and caring for our ill neighbors, friends, and family. We are proud to be part of your community and that you are part of ours.